Based on the hugely popular comedy TV series of the 1980s, ‘Allo ‘Allo is set during the Second World War and follows the farcical adventures of the hapless cafe owner, Rene, and his wife, Edith, as they struggle to keep for themselves a priceless portrait by Van Klomp, stolen by the Nazis and hidden in a sausage in the cellar.
As the unlikely French hero, Rene weaves his way through a number of hilarious entanglements. He juggles collaborating with the German officers who are controlling the town, working with the French Resistance who are attempting to smuggle British airmen back to England, and the beautiful waitresses who work for him and want him to leave his wife.
All of these themes are woven into a ‘tapestry on intrigue’ as Rene struggles to stay ahead of the game, and not get shot by his wife, the Germans or the French Resistance!
“When the time is root, the British airmen must be taken by troon to the harbour where a smell boat will be waiting by a disused dick…” – Crabtree