May 2008

Written by Alan Ayckbourn

Directed by Simon Cash

This hilarious and heartwarming play is set in the future where TV daytime soaps are performed by android actors emotionally programmed by the control room.

One of these androids, JCF 31333, humanised as Jacie Triplethree develops not only a wicked sense of humour but inspires the devotion of Adam, a young scriptwriter.

This thought provoking play is awash with vibrant characters: the bucolic director Chance, the domineering company director Carla, and headed by the enchanting and mischievous Jacie.

“There’s a small trap in my abdomen.  You push and twist to open.  You ease out the waste bag and then close the trap back up.  It automatically resets …” – Jacie Triplethree