A landmark in American drama and set in the early 20th Century, this Pulitzer Prize-winning play tells the story of a small town, Grover’s Corners, in New Hampshire, and in doing so tells us the story of every town, the whole world over. We follow the Gibbs and Webb families, residents of the town, through twelve years of life changes – from the familiar in Act I as “Daily Life”, to the romantic in Act II as “Love and Marriage”, to the devastating in Act III as “Death and Eternity”.
Through the young lovers Emily Webb and George Gibbs, their strong and loving parents, and the many other Grover’s Corners’ locals, Thornton Wilder delivers universal truths about what it means to be human, and mortal.
“Oh, earth, you’re too wonderful for anyone to realize you! Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it – every, every minute?” – Emily